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Why Your Ancestors Thrived and How to Assert Your Metabolic Health! 🔬🌍💪

Mitch from @OldGuyCarnivor |🔬 Were you aware that our cholesterol has been present for millions of years? 🌍 Our ancestors thrived because it served a purpose! 🦖 However, today, the issue lies in our metabolic health. 💪 If you’re metabolically healthy, assert to your doctor, “Leave my cholesterol alone, it’s wiser than you!” 🙅‍♀️💡 #CholesterolEvolution #AncientWisdom #MetabolicHealth #StandUpToYourDoctor #HealthyLiving #CholesterolFacts #LogicOverOpinion #HealthIsWealth Full story: #Shorts #carnivore #carnivorediet #carnivorecommunity

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